Günter Küppers research interests are in the field of science and technology studies. He has managed a number of large projects on R&D policy and the problem of goal direction of science and technology. His current interests are the applications of theories of selforganization on to social systems. He developed a model of the selforganization of social systems and a model of knowledge production within research groups.
Wissenschaft im Umbruch –
Auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft
Antragsteller: Peter Weingart, Martin Carrier, Wolfgang Krohn, Günter Küppers, Paul Hoyningen-Huene Mitarbeitende: Ralf Herbold, Johannes Lenhard, Kirsten Petzold, Holger Schwechheimer, Michael Stöltzner, Matthias Winterhager
Partner: Universität Hannover – ZE für Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsethik
Beginn: 2001-07-01
Ende: 2004-06-30
Simulating Self – Organising Innovation Networks (SEIN)
Antragsteller: Günter Küppers Mitarbeitende: P. Ahrweiler, Sabine Paul
Partner: Nigel Partner: Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey), Paolo Saviotti (INRA – University Pierre Mendés), Matthias Weber (IPTS/JRC), Paul Windrum (MERIT- University of Maastricht)
Beginn: 1998-12-01
Ende: 2001-12
European RTD Networks and Policy Options in a Knowledge – Based Economy: The Structure and Dynamics of European RTD Policies
Antragsteller: Günter Küppers, Nigel Gilbert (Surrey)
Mitarbeitende: Simon Dresner (Surrey), Jürgen Roth, Corinna Schlombs Partner: P. van den Besselaar (Universität Amsterdam), L. Biggiero (Universität ”La
Sapienza”, Rom), M. Boudourides (Democritus Universität, Thrace), H. Goorhuis (Universität Zürich)
Beginn: 1997-12-01
Ende: 2000-12